…first of all contact us, preferably by telephone, so that we can explain to you what is possible with our technology. In addition, we can ask you for initial product characteristics, such as material properties and sizes. If the idea is suitable for our technology, we then need a technical drawing. We will develop the implementation of this idea into the finished fused silica glass product for you using the possibilities of our production technologies. In doing so, we regularly leave behind the common thinking behind conventional glass production and turn to new approaches.
In case of a new product development process, we will pass on the costs for the design and manufacture of the casting mould to you. We will charge you for prototypes or pilot series produced from this after the expenditure incurred.
On request, we can also offer a complete package consisting of design + manufacture of the casting mould including an agreed quantity of sample parts at a fixed price.
If we have developed and manufactured similar products before, we already know which technological parameters have to be set in our production process. Usually the production of the mould takes about 4 weeks and depending on the size of the product and possible finishing steps it takes another 4 to 8 weeks until you have your first parts in hands.
If it is a completely new product geometry for us, we must first test the handling internally and discuss any possible geometry changes with you. Depending on the size of the product, please allow 8 to 14 weeks for the first finished samples.
In addition to the extraordinary properties of our fused silica grades, the shaping process of course is an important basis for the production of our products. The Sol-Gel process enables us to produce many products in large series or as individual pieces, either ready or near-net-shaped. Near-net-shape production reduces the costs for subsequent processing steps and is enormously resource-saving and energy-efficient due to the reduced material waste.
Not every product can be cast ready to use – sometimes a bracket has to be cut off, a hole drilled, a surface ground or an edge has to be fire polished. However, the amount of finishing and re-work required is kept within narrow limits by our moulding process.
Want to know more ?
Contact us – we will be happy to provide you with further information.